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Career Workshop: Job Applications in & beyond Academia


November 27, 2024


9:00 AM – 5:00 PM




Dr. Yasmin Dolak-Struss (solutionbase)



This workshop will give you tools to start with your own application process and support you in writing a good job application – in and beyond academia.


We will discuss criteria for a good CV, how to extract relevant information from job ads and where to look for them. You will get the chance to define and to present your own strengths and skills, to work on your CV and to discuss it with your peers. You will also get the opportunity to practice a job interview and to get feedback from fellow participants. The training will be very interactive, individual and group work will be complemented by theoretical input and discussions.

The Expert

Yasmin Dolak-Struss is a trainer and systemic coach for researchers. She studied technical physics and holds a doctorate in biomathematics. After several years in research, she switched careers to a large research funding organization, where she was advising and training international researchers on European funding programmes and career development for more than 16 years. As certified systemic coach, she offers support for work-related challenges, such as guiding researchers through difficult career decisions and assisting them in finding a successful and happy career path.


Created in collaboration with the Researchers Beyond Academia (REBECA) Hub by EURAXESS.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme within the framework of the ERA TALENT Project funded under grant agreement No 10110347.

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a. Reseachers Careers Beyond Academia
b. In collaboration with REBECA by Euraxess