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Event Tip: Exploring linguistic diversity and inclusion


30 May 2024, 11:00 – 30 May 2024, 12:00



Join EURAXESS for an engaging webinar and discover how the University of Copenhagen (UCPH) navigates the challenges and opportunities presented by increasing internalisation, cultural and lnguistic diversity!

The EURAXESS Community of Practice (CoP) focusing on   Gender and Diversity, Support for female researchers, is inviting all researchers to their upcoming Webinar: Exploring linguistic diversity and inclusion: Perspectives from the University of Copenhagen (UCPH)

Date: May 30th
Webinar time: 11:00 to 12:00 hrs.
Registration deadline: May 27th

Key topics for discussion in this session include:

  • Why focus on internationalisation, cultural and linguistic diversity?
  • What are the challenges?
  • What can be done in addressing language barriers and ensuring equal access?

Jo Ebert Håkonsson
Language Consultant

Mary K. Kobia
Senior Global Mobility Consultant

Register here!
a. Design Credit: EURAXESS