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Event Tip: Postdoc Office Fiasco Fest


04 Nov 2024, 17:30 – 04 Nov 2024, 19:30



How to joyfully move from rejection and failure to your best professional self? Join the Fiasco Fest powert by Postdoc Office Uni Graz!

Rejection is a normal part of academia – and the Postdoc Office in Graz aims to make it fun! The Fiasco Fest is a night where career misfortunes in academia are shared, snacks & drinks are served, laughs are had, and a celebration of all of you as the excellent researchers you are, resiliently moving towards your best professional selves.

Facilitator: Assoz.-Prof.in Mag.a Dr.in Sabine Bergner (University of Graz), leadership and entrepreneurship expert, psychologist.

Target group: Postdoctoral researchers and later-stage doctoral candidates from all the universities in Graz.

Find out more about the event!
a. Credit: Uni Graz