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Webinar: Publication Ethics


27 Jun 2024, 13:00 – 27 Jun 2024, 14:00



This webinar covers issues of research integrity specific to publication and post-publication.

We will be taking a look at plagiarism, authorship disputes, paper mills, predatory journals and more. The webinar will take place in English and invites researchers from LBG and beyond to participate, as well as everyone who is interested in the topic.

About Steph Grohmann:

Steph Grohmann is a medical anthropologist with a background in social care who obtained her doctorate at Goldsmiths, University of London. She has over a decade of experience in research on health inequities, the anthropology of ethics, and applied ethics in health- and social care, and has taught a wide range of postgraduate courses in qualitative methods and research ethics for a range of health-related fields. Before joining LBG, Steph has worked at the universities of London, Oxford and Edinburgh.

The webinar is in cooperation with the LBG Ethics and Diversity Hub. Find more information here.

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