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13 Jun 2024 von LBG Career Center

Apply now! The Leading Researchers Program returns this fall!

Are you juggling too many demands? Apply now until July 4th, 2024 and elevate your leadership skills.

This comprehensive leadership program supports Research Group Leaders and Senior Researchers with existing leadership experience to reflect on and refine their roles.

Across three modules, you’ll explore theoretical insights into leadership, engage in interactive exercises to apply these concepts, and participate in peer discussions to share experiences. Personalized analysis and coaching sessions will help you reflect on your leadership style and advance your career.

Schedule: September 2024 – March 2025
Target Group: Researchers currently leading a team (6+ months Leadership experience)
Open to: All Austrian universities and research organizations
Language: English

To apply, submit a 3-minute video statement. For detailed information, visit our website.

Apply until July 4, 2024!
a. Design Credit: KNAACK