Peers4Careers 2024 – Online Info Session
15 Feb 2024, 11:00 – 15 Feb 2024, 12:00
MS Teams
Get an overview of the Winter School program and answers to your open questions from the Career Center team.
Peers4Careers is here to help you work on what is most important in your life. In the end, you will feel proud for following through and for reaching your goal.
This Special Program is an accountability program. An accountability partnership is a highly effective tool for setting goals and maintaining motivation with support from peers and a trainer. It is unique in its format, as it focuses on self-reflection, collaboration, and motivation.
You are thinking about applying for Peers4Careers, but you are not quite sure if the program is what you are looking for? You have open questions?
Then we look forward to your registration for the Info Session!
Application deadline is March 3, 2024.